round fifteen all sound, 5:28 min

2k video, colour, sound, 2023

As one's attention moves from conversation to conversation happening in one room we observe fragments of human nature unfolding in the process of a collective creative effort.


round fifteen all sound (2023) resulted from a 3-day workshop at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in 2022 as part of The Institute for Scene Experiments in which a collective of artists divided into 2 groups - performers and crew improvised and filmed scenes with industry standard equipment. An agreed-upon scene was repeated many times resulting in hours of material between the shots where performers and crew discuss how they will do the scene.


All video footage used in round fifteen all sound was produced by Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, Nikolas Brummer, Martina Cavalot, Dylan Spencer Davidson, Eunjung Hwang, Marie-Alix Isdahl, Vera Karlsson, Atiena R. Kilfa, Blaise Kirschner, Jan Kunkel, Sophie Lee, Florine Linder, Luzie Meyer, Iga Świeściak, Daiva Tubutytė and Nikhil Vettukattil.


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